New IUCN SSC SULi Activity Report (2020)
by Dilys Roe
As a Specialist Group sitting jointly with the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC), SULi is required to submit a report annually on its activities. Our 2020 report presents the impressive diversity of SULi’s work and its achievements in the IUCN (2017-2020) quadrennium. Thriving wild species provide diverse benefits to people, who are motivated and empowered to protect and conserve them. SULi continues to work towards global understanding on sustainable use of wild species.
Click here to check out the IUCN SSC SULi Report for 2020 or visit our Resources Page.
WELIGAMA, SRI LANKA – MARCH 18 2016: Fishermen sit on their stilts waiting for shoal of fish that will pass their stilts in the shallow water. This an old tradition practiced by around 500 fishing families in Galle, in southwestern-most Sri Lanka.