Applying Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) to IUCN Red List Assessments, Consultation: 25 August – 9 October 2021

Dear IUCN Members, Commission members and other relevant stakeholders,

Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) has been developed over centuries or millennia by indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) and is continuously evolving. It provides a unique and rich source of information on biodiversity. There has been increasing recognition over recent years that ILK has an important role to play in environmental decision-making, management, policy, and assessments.

In this regard, a guidance document for applying ILK to IUCN Red List assessment has been prepared under the authority of the IUCN SSC Red List Committee and the IUCN CEESP-SSC Sustainable Use and Livelihoods (SULi) Specialist Group. This document is now open to wide consultation to collect inputs from IUCN Members and other experts, from 25 August to 9 October 2021.

This initiative was catalysed by the publication of two papers (Hill et al. 2020) and (McElwee et al. 2020) dealing with the experience of working with indigenous and local knowledge in the IPBES Global Assessment (2019). It also follows discussions on application of ILK in IUCN Red List assessments over the last decade, including contributions to the unpublished draft: ‘Guidance for Integrating Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in IUCN Red List Assessments‘. All contributors to these processes are gratefully acknowledged.

The consultation will remain open until 9 October 2021. Only contributions using the template for comments provided in the links below will be considered. Note that all responses will be treated anonymously and your name and organisation will not be identified in the table that will provide responses to all the comments. This table will be made public and available.

We look forward to receiving your inputs for finalizing this important guidance document.

For more information, please contact: RL&

With best regards,

Dilys Roe                                                                     Jon Hutton

Chair IUCN CEESP-SSC SULi                                    Chair IUCN SSC Red List Committee

Note: This process received funding support from the Ministry for Ecological Transition (MTE), Government of France. IUCN thanks the MTE for globally supporting IUCN’s engagement with IPBES in the frame of the IUCN-France Partnership.

Access / Download the Consultation Draft:

Access / Download the Table for Comments (fillable PDF):


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